It's time for The Middle Seats to travel to a galaxy far, far away! Join rebels Jake Hensler, Andrew Auger and Nate Lungarini as we discuss the biggest movie of the season, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. In addition to the surprisingly divisive Episode VIII, there's discussions of Die Hard, Gary Oldman, and the massive Disney-Fox deal. It's going to be an installment of galactic proportions!
Timecodes: Lobby Talk (Modern Classics) - 2:59
News (Disney buys Fox Entertainment, Gary Oldman's cigar problem, and Die Hard's Christmas status) - 12:12
Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi- 28:28
Ratings - 37:14 Extended Spoiler Section - 42:51
Final Thoughts - 1:09:58
Where do you stand with The Last Jedi? Are you excited that J.J. Abrams is returning for Episode IX? Let us know by commenting below!
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5/5: A ROYAL THRONE (a fantastic movie that executes exactly what it wants to do in a creative and entertaining way. A Masterpiece.)
4/5: A PLUSH RECLINER (a great film that does little wrong. It's often safe and comfortable, like your favorite chair.)
3/5: A WOODEN SEAT (a good film that might be entertaining at times but can't hold your attention or has glaring holes.)
2/5: A DAMP LAWN CHAIR (a poor film that is forgettable, dull, or aggravating. There may be some entertainment here, but you have to literally wipe away some wet mess to enjoy it.)
1/5: A SLEAZY OUTHOUSE (a bad film that makes all the wrong decisions and is not worth anybody's time. Sitting through this is as close as you can get to a pile of shit.)